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Online Stock Options Analysis
and Trading Tools
Options Analysis

Our most popular set of services to access current options market data and analyze historical time-series information. These services are based on end-of-day or 20-minute delayed market data.

Market Snapshot Analysis Services

Basic and Advanced Options services providing you access to most detailed information available - including both market quotes (volumes, open interest etc) and calculated variables such as realized and implied volatility, options Greeks, correlation and beta and more.

Our Basic and Advanced Options Calculators are driven by real market data (both market prices and fundamental information) and can save you a lot of time digging for correct initial information required to calculate fair option prices or implied volatilities.

The Probability Calculator allows you the choice of using the implied volatilities of options or historical volatilities of securities to assess your strategy's chances of success before you place your trade.

With our PnL Calculator, you can easily profile complex multi-leg options strategies and view the profit and loss potential.

Strategist Worksheets allow you to paper trade such popular strategies as Covered Call Writing, Naked Put Writing and Protective Put Purchase. You can do your own 'what-if' simulation to see what your potential profit/loss could be.

IVolatility SDK is a set of software libraries which allow an easy market data access within third-party applications running on Windows platform (Linux support coming soon).

Read more about each service and subscribe online: Time-series data analysis

Advanced Historical Data services provide charting of historical information such as Implied and Realized Volatility, Correlation and Beta, Skew and Kurtosis. Several simultaneously visible charts placed under each other, allow determining interrelation between different indicators visually.

Spread Scanner (actually optional Spread Charts addition) and Stock Sentiment Analysis services also show historical charts that help better visualize specific strategy historical performance or perform technical analysis using historical end-of-day data.

Read more about each service and subscribe online: Direct Data Access

For those who prefer to make their own analysis using 'raw' data we offer set of services that can be used to obtain historical options data from our database. Professionals looking for bulk amount of data should refer to our Professional services Bulk Historical Data service. Otherwise, if you're looking for information on just several stocks you can take advantage of our Data Download Wizard and Daily Updates Wizard

IVolatility SDK is a set of software libraries which allow an easy market data access within third-party applications running on Windows platform (Linux support coming soon).