RT Options Scanner and RT Spread Scanner LiveWe are excited to announce the relaunch of our powerful live RT Options and RT Spread Scanners. Live, fast, and customizable, covering all US options, our live scanners find the best money making option trades for any search criteriathat meet your objectives and risk profile using delayed or real-time market data. Search based on a combination of price change, implied volatility change, volume, open interest, with many other available parameters to find the trades that meet your specifications and save them for future scans. You can also use predefined example scans. Both scanners are powered with an Option Monitor screen, where you can watch live options chains with prices, volume, open interest, implied volatility and more for every optionable US underlying including intraday volatility skew charts. Using the RT Option Scanner watch for increasing implied volatility and volume and also use it for single-side strategies like naked calls or puts, or find the missing legs of more complex combinations. The RT Spread Scanner covers most popular strategies, from plain naked or covered strategies and conversions, to more sophisticated vertical/diagonal spreads, straddles and strangles.
The companion RT Spread Scanner delayed mode is only $69.95/month and $109.95 in real-time plus exchange fees also with a 2 week free trial subscribe here. Give them a try. IVolatility team |